creating a learning plan for an advanced child

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Helping Your Child Get Through Separation Anxiety

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If you are enrolling your child in a daycare program, and they have never been away from you for an extended period in the past, you may want to take some precautionary steps in advance of classes in helping with separation anxiety. Here are a few methods you can use to help your child get over the fear of being away from you, making their experience at daycare one they will enjoy as a result. Read More»

The Basics For Setting Up A Sensory Table In Your Classroom

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Sensory activities are a key component of every early childhood classroom. They allow your students an opportunity to explore different textures and get hands on time with a variety of different materials. As you plan your classroom next year, make sure that you include a space for sensory activities and learning. Setting Up A Sensory Area Although you can purchase a sensory table from an education equipment company, that is not the only way to set up a sensory area. Read More»

Making A Gym Membership Work For You

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A gym membership may be the motivation that you need to take a step towards a healthier lifestyle. If you choose the right gym, the membership will become a valuable asset that will change your life. But, how do you choose a membership and make the most of it? Choose the Right Gym What is probably the most important element of making the most of your gym membership is choosing the right gym. Read More»

Charter School Advantages

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Many parents are concerned about the education their children receive. If you’ve been considering alternatives to public school, you should consider a child centered charter school as an option. Here are the top advantages of a charter school: 1. Students perform better Students in a charter school perform better than students in a public school. A 2013 study by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes showed that reading gains were higher among students in charter schools, and that math skills were equal to those in public schools. Read More»

Transitioning to a New School after a Midsummer Move

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Starting at a new school can be hard, but if your family moves around often, it is almost inevitable. If your young child struggles with change, here are a few things that you can do right now to help him or her prepare for the upcoming school year.  Meet Your Neighbors While even some adults are intimidated by the idea of meeting new people, it is especially important for kids to at least be familiar with the other people in their community. Read More»

How To Keep Your Child From Getting Constantly Sick In Daycare

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One of the drawbacks of daycare—even the very best one you can find—is that toddlers and preschoolers are great at sharing germs. You may discover that once your child is in daycare, the whole family seems to be getting every bug that makes the rounds. In fact, the average child in preschool gets sick eight to 12 times in the first year of regular daycare. What can you do to keep your child from picking up viruses at daycare? Read More»