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2 Hygiene Habits to Teach Your Child

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When it comes to raising your child, there are so many things you need to teach your child. One of the essential areas you need to cover with your child is personal hygiene. Personal hygiene will help your child stay clean and healthy and is beneficial for your child to learn, no matter how young they are. It is essential to build these habits in your children at a young age.

#1: Hand Washing

Your child needs to learn how to wash their hands. Washing their hands is one of the best ways to stop the spread of disease. You are going to want to teach your child how to wash their hands thoroughly by wetting one's hands with water, building a lather with soap, and cleaning the front and back of one's hands as well as your nails. It is also essential to teach your child to rinse away the soap and dry hands properly.

In addition to teaching your child how to wash their hands, you need to teach them when to wash their hands, such as after using the bathroom, before and after eating, when coming inside from outside, after coughing and sneezing, or touching an animal.

#2: Oral Hygiene

Next, it is essential to teach your child about oral hygiene. You should clean your child's gums when they are an infant and start brushing their teeth as soon as they start to get their teeth. Then, you need to transfer this responsibility to your child.

You need to teach your child how to brush their teeth and move the toothbrush in their mouth and around all their teeth. In addition, you need to teach your child how important it is to brush their teeth at least twice a day.

As your child gets older and has more dexterity, you can teach your child how to floss their teeth. This is something that you should do when your child is in their later elementary years.

Luckily, several writers have written children's books to help them want to brush their teeth. There are also apps you can use or songs you can play so that your child learns how long they need to brush their teeth.

You can teach your child hygiene habits by modeling and showing your child how to engage in proper hygiene and by reading books that teach your child how to engage in good hygiene habits. Washing hands and oral health are just two of the many essential hygiene areas you need to cover with your child.
